Thursday, February 5, 2009

Really? These kids will take care of me some day!?

What is wrong with these kids today?! I don't ever remember being this rude or disrespectful to my teachers. Sure I skipped school and didn't always turn in my homework, but I didn't curse at them or refuse to do what they told me to. AND these parents! Quit making excuses for your child! YES, they did do it and YES the teacher is right. Get over yourself. Sometimes I want to videotape these kids doing what they do and then show it to ALL the parents at curriculum night. And seriously - who comes to curriculum night. Nobody cares. Nobody cares enough about their child's education to care about what we are teaching them...well, maybe a couple parents. But those parents are the ones with the kids that don't need any help. Whew- I'm frustrated.

AND - I just went to the restroom and instead of locking the door - I turned off the lights instead of locking the door? I've got problems...

I'm going to my two meetings after school and I'm going to drink my 3 cokes today and then I'm going to go run, like 5 miles - I'll probably thinking nice, happy thoughts the whole time I'm running......

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